Muffins of the week...

So I decided for my first post I would start with something that I actually don't love myself: Banana Oatmeal Muffins.

I love to bake. I have been baking for as long as I can remember. There are pictures of me standing on chairs in the kitchen to help my mom with whipping, rolling, kneading, spreading and of course sampling treats as young as 2 or 3 years old. 

Although I do love to bake, I don't have the biggest sweet tooth. I am not a huge fan of eating a lot of the things I bake. My husband can assure you though that my treats are yummy and the ones I've tried I've always thought tasted good, just not for my wee sweet tooth

So, this week I wanted to make some Banana muffins. I love the way banana, oats and cinnamon mix together and carry through the house. I decided Monday I would make the muffins... Well for those who know me I can be quite indecisive and can even procrastinate to find every excuse to making things. So Monday turned into a Friday evening baking session and here is the final product:

So here we have a modified recipe of Banana chocolate chip muffins with greek yogurt. I am an avid lover of Pinterest and I often use it as my inspiration to modify and make up my own concept of a recipe so here's what I did:

1.5 cups of plain flour
1 teaspoon of baking powder
1 teaspoon of baking soda
0.5 teaspoon of salt
3/4 of butter (I melted it)
3 bananas
1 cup of chocolate chips
1 cup of oats (optional)
4 table spoons if Greek yogurt
1 egg
1 tablespoon of cinnamon 
4 tablespoons of honey 

Sift all the dry ingredients into a big bowl and mix all "wet" ingredients. Add the dry to mixture of the wet.

Bake at 350 Fahrenheit for 13 minutes exactly. 

So feedback from Mr. Price:"They are good. A bit heavy and not what you expect from a muffin but they are good."

So there you have it, recipe one. Enjoy baking and I will see you next weekend! 

Thanks for reading,
Lisa xx

*Please note: I am not a professional chef/baker, nor here to plug any companies, chefs, chains etc. I am a pleasantly plump woman who has a fierce love of feeding myself, husband, and anyone who loves to eat! 


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