Saturday's Cakes
Hello Readers,
I am so sorry it's been a hot minute. June has been a very wonderful and busy month in the Price home. We have had a number of blessings to celebrate with friends and family.
I have missed making cakes. It is something I had to give up doing more of as I returned to working full-time. I wish that there were more hours in the week where I could spend time making cakes for others.
I was very lucky this month to have the opportunity to make not one, but two!
This post won't feature a recipe. I wanted to share about my passion for cake decorating.
I started as a hobby baker in 2015 when I took a cake decorating class in the U.K. I took the class with a very dear friend as a means to distress from our days at work. I have always found that being creative has helped with my anxiety and depression.
We took a course in the fall of 2015 about working with sugar craft and gum paste; better known as "fondant". This where I discovered how much I enjoyed mixing my own colours and creating little figures out of this weird edible clay.
Given that it was fall and I was living in the U.K. The class consisted not only creating fondant creations, but making the infamous Christmas cake. This is one of Mr. P's favourites. As it was our first year married, I did not want to let him down.
So after a 10 week course, I created this pride and joy:

I am so sorry it's been a hot minute. June has been a very wonderful and busy month in the Price home. We have had a number of blessings to celebrate with friends and family.
I have missed making cakes. It is something I had to give up doing more of as I returned to working full-time. I wish that there were more hours in the week where I could spend time making cakes for others.
I was very lucky this month to have the opportunity to make not one, but two!
This post won't feature a recipe. I wanted to share about my passion for cake decorating.
I started as a hobby baker in 2015 when I took a cake decorating class in the U.K. I took the class with a very dear friend as a means to distress from our days at work. I have always found that being creative has helped with my anxiety and depression.
We took a course in the fall of 2015 about working with sugar craft and gum paste; better known as "fondant". This where I discovered how much I enjoyed mixing my own colours and creating little figures out of this weird edible clay.
Given that it was fall and I was living in the U.K. The class consisted not only creating fondant creations, but making the infamous Christmas cake. This is one of Mr. P's favourites. As it was our first year married, I did not want to let him down.
So after a 10 week course, I created this pride and joy:
This was 100% made by me from the ingredients of the cake to the design and colours on the outside. This is when I learned how much I love to make and design cakes.
Fast forward to the 3rd weekend in June when I made a very special carnival themed cake for an even more special little man in my life. I was so excited to FINALLY attempt a sprinkle cake:
Please note: Sprinkles bounce A LOT!
To accompany the sprinkle cake, came the ice cream cone cupcakes. To add some extra flare, I decided to dip them in chocolate to look like a chocolate dipped ice cream cone:
The last weekend I had the opportunity to try out the "naked" cake look accompanied with the classic rosette smash cake:
So things I have realized since I haven't been "caking" as often:
1. I am very out of practice: I definitely do not ice, create or pipe at the speed I used to. It takes time and effort to get to the correct speed and pacing to ice at a decent amount of time.
2. I have still perfected the right consistency for my buttercream. To pipe different designs, the consistency of your icing is crucial. It all comes down to the design you want and the tip you need to get the look. My secret weapon: Meringue Powder. It gives the icing the "crispy" look and allows the icing to hold better.
3. I really miss making cakes. I hope to have more upcoming chances to make some cakes.
So where I've been absent I thought I would share some of the cakes I've come up with over the past almost 2 years:

Thanks for caking me with me today.
Sending love from my kitchen to yours,
Mrs. Price xo
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