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Saturday's Cakes

Hello Readers, I am so sorry it's been a hot minute. June has been a very wonderful and busy month in the Price home. We have had a number of blessings to celebrate with friends and family. I have missed making cakes. It is something I had to give up doing more of as I returned to working full-time. I wish that there were more hours in the week where I could spend time making cakes for others. I was very lucky this month to have the opportunity to make not one, but two! This post won't feature a recipe. I wanted to share about my passion for cake decorating. I started as a hobby baker in 2015 when I took a cake decorating class in the U.K. I took the class with a very dear friend as a means to distress from our days at work. I have always found that being creative has helped with my anxiety and depression. We took a course in the fall of 2015 about working with sugar craft and gum paste; better known as "fondant". This where I discovered how much I enjoye...

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